AWS Rack Parameters

The following parameters are available for configuring your Convox rack on Amazon Web Services (AWS). These parameters allow you to customize and optimize the behavior of your applications and services running on the AWS platform.


Parameter Description
access_log_retention_in_days Specifies the retention period for Nginx access logs stored in CloudWatch Logs.
availability_zones Specifies a list of Availability Zones for better availability and fault tolerance.
build_node_enabled Enables a dedicated build node for building applications.
build_node_min_count Sets the minimum number of build nodes to keep running.
build_node_type Specifies the node type for the build node.
cert_duration Specifies the certification renewal period.
cidr Specifies the CIDR range for the VPC.
convox_domain_tls_cert_disable Disables Convox domain TLS certificate generation for services.
efs_csi_driver_enable Enables the EFS CSI driver to use AWS EFS volumes.
fluentd_disable Disables Fluentd installation in the rack.
gpu_tag_enable Enables GPU tagging.
high_availability Ensures high availability by creating a cluster with redundant resources.
idle_timeout Specifies the idle timeout value for the Rack Load Balancer.
imds_http_tokens Determines whether the Instance Metadata Service requires session tokens (IMDSv2).
internal_router Installs an internal load balancer within the VPC.
internet_gateway_id Specifies the ID of the attached internet gateway when using an existing VPC.
max_on_demand_count Sets the maximum number of on-demand nodes when using the mixed capacity type.
min_on_demand_count Sets the minimum number of on-demand nodes when using the mixed capacity type.
nlb_security_group Specifies the ID of the security group to attach to the NLB.
node_capacity_type Specifies the node capacity type: on-demand, spot, or mixed.
node_disk Specifies the node disk size in GB.
node_type Specifies the node instance type.
pod_identity_agent_enable Enables the AWS Pod Identity Agent.
private Specifies whether to place nodes in private subnets behind NAT gateways.
private_subnets_ids Specifies the IDs of private subnets to use for the Rack.
proxy_protocol Enables the Proxy Protocol to track the original client IP address.
public_subnets_ids Specifies the IDs of public subnets to use for the Rack.
schedule_rack_scale_down Specifies the schedule for scaling down the rack.
schedule_rack_scale_up Specifies the schedule for scaling up the rack.
ssl_ciphers Specifies the SSL ciphers to use for Nginx.
ssl_protocols Specifies the SSL protocols to use for Nginx.
syslog Specifies the endpoint to forward logs to a syslog server.
tags Specifies custom tags to add to AWS resources.
vpc_id Specifies the ID of an existing VPC to use for cluster creation.