Command Line Interface

Explore detailed documentation on how to use the Convox Command Line Interface (CLI) to manage your applications and resources.

For a quick overview of some commonly used commands, you may find this blog post on common Convox CLI commands helpful.

Command Description
api Query the Rack API.
apps List, create, or delete apps and manage app-specific operations like locks and parameter settings.
balancers List balancers for an app.
build Create a build.
builds List builds and manage build-specific operations such as importing or exporting builds.
cp Copy files to and from a running process.
deploy Create and promote a build.
env Manage environment variables for an app.
exec Execute a command in a running process.
instances List instances or manage specific instance operations.
letsencrypt Manage Let’s Encrypt configurations and certificates.
login Authenticate with a rack.
logs Get logs for an app.
proxy Proxy a connection inside the rack.
ps List app processes or manage process-specific operations like stopping processes.
rack Get information about the rack or manage rack-specific settings and operations.
racks List available racks or manage rack installations.
registries List and manage private registries.
releases Manage app releases, including listing, promoting, and rolling back releases.
resources List resources or manage resource-specific operations like imports, exports, and proxies.
restart Restart an app.
run Execute a command in a new process.
scale Scale a service.
services List services for an app or restart services.
start Start an application for local development.
test Run tests.
update Update the CLI or a rack.
version Display version information.
workflows Get list of workflows or run a workflow for a specified branch or commit.