
A Build is a compiled version of the code for each Service of an App.

Convox uses docker to compile code into a Build.


You can define the location to build for each Service in convox.yml.

        build: ./api
        build: ./web
        manifest: Dockerfile.production

Command Line Interface

Creating a Build

    $ convox build -a myapp
    Packaging source... OK
    Uploading source... OK
    Starting build... OK
    Release: RBCDEFGHIJ

Every time a Build is created a new Release is created that references the Build.

Listing Builds

    $ convox builds -a myapp
    ID          STATUS    RELEASE     STARTED       ELAPSED
    BABCDEFGHI  complete  RBCDEFGHIJ  1 minute ago  25s

Getting Information about a Build

    $ convox builds info BABCDEFGHI -a myapp
    ID           BABCDEFGHI
    Status       complete
    Release      RBCDEFGHIJ
    Started      1 minute ago
    Elapsed      25s

Getting logs for a Build

    $ convox builds logs BABCDEFGHI -a myapp
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.2MB
    Step 1/34 : FROM golang AS development

Exporting a Build

    $ convox builds export BABCDEFGHI -a myapp -f /tmp/build.tgz
    Exporting build... OK

Importing a Build

    convox builds import -a myapp2 -f /tmp/build.tgz

Importing a Build creates a new Release that references the Build.

Build Layers Caching

From version 3.11.0 onward, Convox uses buildkit to build and push images. Buildkit allows us to specify a caching path in remote repositories to store/fetch layers that have already been created. Unfortunately, the only rack registries that support such feature so far are Azure and DigitalOcean(DO racks have a built-in registry).