A Service is a horizontally-scalable collection of durable Processes.
Processes that belong to a Service are automatically restarted upon termination.
Services can be scaled to a static count or autoscaled in a range based on metrics.
build: .
health: /check
port: 5000
scale: 3
build: .
port: grpc:5551
grpcHealthEnabled: true
agent: false
- test.annotation.org/value=foobar
manifest: Dockerfile
path: .
duration: 2160h
command: bin/web
minimum: 25
maximum: 100
domain: ${WEB_HOST}
drain: 10
ndots: 5
- BAR=qux
grace: 10
interval: 5
path: /check
timeout: 3
path: /liveness/check
grace: 15
interval: 5
timeout: 3
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 3
internal: false
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-rpm=10
convox.com/test: true
preStop: "sleep 10"
postStart: "sleep 10"
port: 5000
- 5001
- 5002
privileged: false
count: 1-3
cpu: 256
memory: 1024
cpu: 128
memory: 512
cpu: 50
memory: 80
- name: "datadogmetric@default:web-requests"
averageValue: 200
singleton: false
sticky: true
grace: 45
test: make test
timeout: 180
redirect: true
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
agent | boolean | false | Set to true to declare this Service as an Agent |
annotations | list | A list of annotation keys and values to populate the metadata for the deployed pods and their serviceaccounts | |
accessControl | map | Specification of the pod access control management. Currently only IAM using AWS pod identity is supported | |
build | string/map | . | Build definition (see below) |
certificate | map | Define certificate parameters | |
command | string | CMD of Dockerfile | The command to run to start a Process for this Service |
deployment | map | Manual control over deployment parameters | |
domain | string | A custom domain(s) (comma separated) to route to this Service | |
dnsConfig | map | Dns config for the service | |
drain | number | The number of seconds to wait for connections to drain when terminating a Process of this Service. Only applies for version 2 rack services. For version 3 rack services use termination grace period termination.grace | |
environment | list | A list of environment variables (with optional defaults) to populate from the Release environment | |
grpcHealthEnabled | boolean | false | Enables liveliness health check for grpc. It should follow the grpc health protocol (ref: k8s) |
health | string/map | / | Health check definition (see below) |
liveness | map | Liveness check definition (see below). By default it is disabled. If it fails then service will restart | |
image | string | An external Docker image to use for this Service (supercedes build) | |
ingressAnnotations | list | A list of annotation keys and values to add in ingress resource. Check below for reserved annotation keys | |
internal | boolean | false | Set to true to make this Service only accessible inside the Rack |
internalRouter | boolean | false | Set it to true to make this Service only accessible using internal loadbalancer. You also have to set the rack parameter internal_router to true |
labels | map | Custom labels for k8s resources. See here for (syntax and character set)[https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#syntax-and-character-set]. Also following keys are reserved: system , rack , app , name , service , release , type |
lifecycle | map | The prestop and poststart hooks enable running commands before terminating and after starting the container, respectively | |
port | string | The port that the default Rack balancer will use to route incoming traffic. For grpc service specify the scheme: grpc:5051 |
ports | list | A list of ports available for internal service discovery or custom Balancers | |
privileged | boolean | true | Set to false to prevent Processes of this Service from running as root inside their container |
scale | map | 1 | Define scaling parameters (see below) |
singleton | boolean | false | Set to true to prevent extra Processes of this Service from being started during deployments |
sticky | boolean | false | Set to true to enable sticky sessions |
termination | map | Termination related configuration | |
test | string | A command to run to test this Service when running convox test | |
timeout | number | 60 | Timeout period (in seconds) for reading/writing requests to/from your service |
tls | map | TLS-related configuration | |
volumeOptions | list | List of volumes to attach with service | |
whitelist | string | Comma delimited list of CIDRs, e.g., , to allow access to the service |
Environment variables declared on
will be populated for a Service.
You can use annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects. Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata. On Convox, annotations will reflect in pods and service accounts.
Here are some examples of information that can be recorded in annotations:
- PORT=3000
- eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn=arn:aws:iam::accountID:role/yourOwnIAMRole
domain: ${HOST}
build: .
port: 3000
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
awsPodIdentity | map | The specification for IAM Role for AWS Pod Identity. This will only work if pod identity is enable on the rack. |
- "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly"
- "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess"
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
policyArns | list | The of policy arns for the IAM role |
Pod identity must be enabled on rack before specifying this.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
manifest | string | Dockerfile | The filename of the Dockerfile |
path | string | . | The path (relative to convox.yml) to build for this Service |
Specifying build as a string will set the path and leave the other values as defaults.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
duration | string | 2160h | Certificate renew frequency period |
id | string | Id of the generated Certificate to use instead of creating new certificate. If this is specified, then the duration vaule will not have any effect on the this, since it is already generated. |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
maximum | number | 200 | The maximum percentage of Processes to allow during rolling deploys |
minimum | number | 50 | The minimum percentage of healthy Processes to keep alive during rolling deploys |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
ndots | int | The ndots option for the dns config |
This accepts list of strings where in each string annotation key and value is separated by =
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-rpm=10
- nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-access-log=false
Reserved annotation keys:
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
perStop | string | The pre stop command | |
postStart | string | The post stop command |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
grace | number | 5 | The number of seconds to wait for a Process to start before starting health checks |
interval | number | 5 | The number of seconds between health checks |
path | string | / | The path to request for health checks |
timeout | number | 4 | The number of seconds to wait for a successful response |
disable | bool | false | To disable the healthcheck |
Specifying health as a string will set the path and leave the other values as defaults.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
grace | number | 10 | The number of seconds to wait for a Process to start before starting liveness checks |
interval | number | 5 | The number of seconds between health checks |
path | string | The path to request for health checks | |
timeout | number | 5 | The number of seconds to wait for a successful response |
successThreshold | number | 1 | The number of seconds to wait for a successful response |
failureThreshold | number | 3 | The number of seconds to wait for a successful response |
If you want to enable liveness check, you have to specify path and others are optional
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
count | number | 1 | The number of Processes to run for this Service. For autoscaling use a range, e.g. 1-5 |
cpu | number | 256 | The number of CPU units to reserve for Processes of this Service where 1000 units is a full CPU |
gpu | map | The number/type of GPUs to reserve for Processes of this Service | |
memory | number | 512 | The number of MB of RAM to reserve for Processes of this Service |
targets | map | Target metrics to trigger autoscaling | |
limit | map | The maximum cpu or memory usage limit |
Specifying scale as a number will set the count and leave the other values as defaults.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
count | number | The number of GPUs to reserve for Processes of this Service | |
vendor | string | nvidia | The GPU vendor to target for Processes of this Service |
Specifying gpu as a number will set the count and leave the vendor as default. Specifying a gpu value and not specifying the cpu or memory to reserve will remove their defaults to purely reserve based on GPU. You should ensure that your Rack is running on GPU enabled instances (of the correct vendor) before specifying the gpu section in your convox.yml
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
cpu | number | The percentage of CPU utilization to target for Processes of this Service | |
memory | number | The percentage of memory utilization to target for Processes of this Service | |
external | map | The array of the external metrics based on which it will scale the Service |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
cpu | number | The number of CPU units to limit for Processes of this Service where 1000 units is a full CPU | |
memory | number | The number of MB of RAM to limit for Processes of this Service |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | The name of the metric | |
matchLabels | map | Key value lablels for the metrics | |
averageValue | number | The target value of the average of the metric across all relevant pods | |
value | number | The target value of the metric |
build: .
port: 3000
count: 1-3
- name: "datadogmetric@default:web-requests"
averageValue: 200
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
grace | number | 30 | The number of seconds to wait for Processes to gracefully exit before killing them |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
redirect | boolean | true | Whether or not HTTP requests should be redirected to HTTPS using a 308 response code |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
emptyDir | map | Configuration for emptyDir volume | |
awsEfs | map | Configuration for AWS Efs volume. To use this you have to enable efs csi driver in the rack |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | Required. Id of the volume. | |
mountPath | string | Required. Path in the serive file system to mount the volume | |
medium | string | Optional. Specifies the emptyDir medium. Allowed values: "Memory" or "" |
- PORT=3000
build: .
port: 3000
- emptyDir:
id: "test-vol"
mountPath: "/my/test/vol"
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | Required. Id of the volume. | |
mountPath | string | Required. Path in the serive file system to mount the volume | |
accessMode | string | Required. Specifies the access mode for the volume. Allowed values are: ReadWriteOnce , ReadOnlyMany , ReadWriteMany |
- PORT=3000
build: .
port: 3000
- awsEfs:
id: "efs-1"
accessMode: ReadWriteMany
mountPath: "/my/data/"
$ convox services -a myapp
web web.convox.0a1b2c3d4e5f.convox.cloud 443:5000
$ convox scale web --count 3 --cpu 256 --memory 1024 -a myapp`1
Scaling web... OK
$ convox services restart web -a myapp
Restarting web... OK
Restarting a Service will begin a rolling restart with graceful termination of each Process of the Service.