

Execute a command in a new process


    convox run <service> <command>


  • --app: String. Specifies the app name
  • --cpu: Number. Specifies the millicpu units of requests to set for the process.
  • --cpu-limit cpu-limit: Number. Specifies the millicpu units of limit to set for the process.
  • --detach: Boolean. To run in detach mode.
  • --entrypoint: String. Specifies the enntrypoint.
  • --memory: Number. Specifies the memory megabytes of requests to set for the process.
  • --memory-limit: Number. Specifies the memory megabytes of limit to set for the process.
  • --rack: String. Specifies the rack name.
  • --release: String. Specifies the release.


    $ convox run web sh
    /usr/src/app #

Run against a specific release:

    $ convox run --release RABCDEFGHIJ web sh
    /usr/src/app #