

The nlb_security_group parameter specifies the ID of the security group to attach to the Network Load Balancer (NLB). Use caution when configuring this parameter to avoid losing access to services due to improper security group settings.

Default Value

The default value for nlb_security_group is an empty string. When set to an empty string, Convox will apply the AWS default NLB security group, which allows inbound traffic from any IP address.

Use Cases

  • Custom Security Group: Attach a custom security group to the NLB to control inbound and outbound traffic according to your security policies.
  • Enhanced Security: Restrict access to the NLB by specifying a security group that defines allowed IP ranges and protocols.

Setting Parameters

To set the nlb_security_group parameter, use the following command:

$ convox rack params set nlb_security_group=sg-12345678 -r rackName
Setting parameters... OK

This command attaches the specified security group to the NLB.

Additional Information

When the nlb_security_group parameter is set to ``, Convox will apply the AWS default security group to the NLB, which allows inbound traffic from any IP address. For enhanced security, it is recommended to specify a custom security group that restricts access according to your requirements.

Carefully configure the security group to ensure that only trusted IP addresses and protocols can access your services. Improper settings may result in loss of access or expose your services to potential threats.

By setting the nlb_security_group parameter, you can ensure that your NLB operates within the security framework defined by your organization, providing controlled and secure access to your applications.